Hermit Crabs & Spiny Starfish

As you look through the various images in the galleries, you will see similarities in some of the shots.

I’ve grouped them here to cover the story of those groupings.

Hermit Crabs:

Hermit Crab

Hermit Crab

Hermit Crabs

Hermit Crabs

I came upon this single hermit crab happily feasting on this starfish arm among the brittle stars and settled to take a few shots. Within two or three minutes, a second crab appeared from the left and proceeded without delay to do battle for possession of the food.

During the ensuing tussle, they both stirred up so much sediment that more photography was pointless. I left them hard at it.

Spiny Starfish:

Spiny Starfish - Whelk Victim

Spiny Starfish – Whelk Victim

Spiny Starfish - Harbour crab victim

Spiny Starfish – Harbour crab victim

Spiny Starfish - Razorfish Victim

Spiny Starfish – Razorfish Victim

Spiny Starfish - Dead Octopus

Spiny Starfish – Dead Octopus

Spiny Starfish - Sea Slug

Spiny Starfish – Sea Slug

The first unusual sighting of this animal feeding was the one of the whelk as its victim. It’s apparently the ability of the starfish to grip its prey and extend its stomach into a soft spot and proceed on its deadly course.

The second image shows the devouring of a Harbour Crab. The Razorfish can be seen also caught within the grasp of the deadly Spiny Starfish.

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